Building a Successful Workout Plan

Are you looking to kickstart your workout journey - or - maybe you feel like you have hit a rut and need a change! Either way - creating your own customized workout plan will help you reach your goals. 

Located in Wooster, Ohio, Declaration Fitness is a CrossFit gym - where we focus on your body but also your mindset. Our qualified trainers guide new and experienced members to reach new PRs and achievements and grow to overcome obstacles in the gym. DCF helps pave the way for our members to be the best version they can be! We hope you will keep reading for helpful tips on how to build your own workout plan! 

Building a Successful Workout Plan

What do you want to accomplish?

Creating goals can sometimes feel like the hardest step! But having 1-3 set outcomes will help guide your practice and provide a way to measure your progress. As you begin to think about what you would like to accomplish through your workout plan, we encourage you to explore where you would like to be in the short term and what you hope to achieve long term. Taking this time now will help you plan, visualize, and commit to your fitness journey. 

To have a better chance of meeting your goals - write them down! This practice will help you map out the steps you need to take to accomplish that goal and determine who might help you (like Declaration Fitness!) along the way.

One method of creating goals is to follow the guidelines that the acronym S.M.A.R.T. outlines. A goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely helps keep you motivated! Aim to create a goal like "run a 10-minute mile by Christmas" instead of undefined goals like "lose weight this fall ." It is hard to celebrate your accomplishments if you really don't know what you are working towards achieving. 

How will you achieve it?

Have you found an exercise style that works best for you? Some people love to practice yoga, follow workout videos, ride their bikes or run outside, and others prefer to work out at a gym. Your goal(s) might determine the type of exercise you need to do!

As you begin to write out your workout plan, be sure to include variety. Many people find both their body and mind benefit from performing a mixture of workout styles. Mixing up your plan can be as easy as going for a walk, adding in push-ups, jumping on your bike, or attending a class at Declaration Fitness! You may even find a new style you enjoy!

When will you do it? 

Do you like to work out in the morning or evening? Determining when you will work out and how many days a week will help keep you motivated to lace up your shoes when your plan gets hard! 

Try scheduling your workout on your calendar. You'll be less likely to skip if the time is already blocked out. Building accountability into your strategy will lead you to success.

We encourage you to start slower and build additional time into your plan. It can be tempting to schedule too many workout days or for too long in the hopes of reaching your goals sooner. But overcommitting will set you up for failure! Create a realistic plan that builds off of your progress and pushes you to grow consistently. 

What else do you need to plan?

Don't forget to rest! Taking time off to let your body recover will help your muscles recharge and improve for your next workout. You also may need to take lighter days - where you are moving through an easier activity like walking, swimming, or slow yoga. Rest is an essential part of a successful workout plan! 

If you are looking for more guidance on building or executing your plan, join us for a class! We offer different programs running at various times throughout the week to meet the needs of our members! Our seasoned Coaches are happy to answer your questions and give recommendations to help you activate your plan and achieve your goals!


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